SMT Academy

Smart Money Concept (Punjabi) from Beginner to Advanced Course

  • Step-by-Step Beginner to Advanced Videos (Punjabi)
  • 30+ Videos
  • Lifetime access
  • Access to Discord Community
  • One Month of Free Mentorship
  • 24/7 Customer Support



Get Started


  • Live Trade Signals
  • Weekly Zoom Calls for Market Analysis and Q&A (Punjabi/Hindi)
  • Access to Old Recorded Weekly Zoom Calls
  • Trade Breakdown Videos
  • Access to Private Discord Community
  • Support from Mentor
  • 24/7 Customer Support



Get Started

Note: Upon purchasing the course, you will receive one month of free mentorship. After that, mentorship will be available at a monthly fee. If you are new to trading and the concept of Smart Money, we recommend completing our course before purchasing mentorship. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the concepts covered in the course before joining mentorship sessions.